Assessment of the economic security of the region on the example of Primorsky Krai

  • Krivoshapova S.V.

    S. V. Krivoshаpova.Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • A. S. Lukyanova

    A. S. Lukyanova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article reveals the main approaches to assessing the economic security of the region on the example of the Primorsky Territory. It should be noted that the economy is the main sphere of activity of society. Economic security is an important component of Russia's national
security, and all regions of the country have been formed as integral systems, each of which has its own characteristics, a certain economic policy and the right to independently choose an economic development strategy. If economic security is not ensured, the country
will not be able to overcome the tasks set for it both within the state and at the international level. Currently, issues related to ensuring the economic security of not only the country, but also individual regions are being raised more and more often, in connection with which it is
necessary to solve socio-economic problems in a timely and full manner, to prevent new challenges and emerging threats in the country, including at the regional level. The assessment of economic security indicators is an important stage, since non-compliance with threshold values can significantly hinder the normal course of development of various elements of reproduction, and it can also lead to the formation of destructive trends in the economic security of the region. The article presents the values of indicators of economic security of the Primorsky
Territory for 2017–2019 in such areas as: production; scientific and technical; investment; social; environmental; demographic. They are compared with the threshold values, the absolute deviation of the indicators is calculated and conclusions are made in general on the
spheres of economic security of the Primorsky Territory. The problems and threats of ensuring the economic security of the region are identified. The results of the assessment can be used to develop recommendations for improving the economic security of the region.
Keywords: economic security, economic security of the region, assessment of indicators threshold values, Primorsky Krai.